East bug

For some reason I won as east first hand and was still first to go the second hand even though I was north in Australia rules.

Jayrocs 2019-07-15T08:31:08Z

The bug is fixed, I think. Cheers!

Oliver 2019-07-15T10:49:25Z

Hi Dev, can you explain what the difference in Australia vs Zung Jung is? Is it only the 5 point minimum to go call mahjong?

Where can I find a place to examine and compare the rules?

Jayrocs 2019-07-15T18:43:23Z

The difference between Australia and Zung Jung rules are that Australia rule does not allow chicken hand. That is my understanding. Let me know if I am wrong :)

Here is a link to Australia rule

I remember there is a pdf file of Australia rule on the internet, but can not find it any more

Oliver 2019-07-16T06:08:53Z